C9520-423 IBM Certified Solution Developer Certification Dumps | Killtest
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IBM C9520-423 IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 Solution Development Practice Questions 2017
James is developing a portlet and wants to share the cache entry across all users upon certain conditions.
What is a valid way to accomplish his goal? A. Add the conditions in the doView method and set the cache scope to public in the request. B. Add the conditions in the doview method and set the cache scope to public in the response. C. Add the conditions in the doHeade rs method and set the cache scope to public in the request. D. Add the conditions in the doHeaders method and set the cache scope to public in the response. Answer: D Which life cycle method of a portlet do the doView, doEdit and doHelp methods represent? A. init B. render C. destroy D. processAction Answer: D Matthew has developed a new system module to provide static JavaScript outside of the theme WAR. What is one benefit of storing the files externally? A. External files are loaded first. B. External files are more secure. C. External files are compressed by default. D. External files are shared by multiple themes. Answer: D Which statement is true regarding the processAction lifecycle method? A. It generates the HTML page for the portal. B. It generates the HTML fragment for the portlet C. It can publish an event by calling the setEvent method. D. It can handle an event that is published by another portlet. Answer: B
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