[2018 Updated] VMware 2V0-622D Practice Exam Killtest
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VMware Certified Professional 6.5 – Data Center Virtualization Delta Exam | VMware VCP6.5-DCV 2V0-622D Test | 2V0-622D Practice Exam
An administrator attempts to manually reclaim space on thin-provisioned VMFS6 volumes but finds that no additional space is being recovered. Which could be causing this? A. vSphere 6.5 does not support manual UNMAP. B. The manual UNMAP operation has been moved to thevSphere web client. C. The VASA version is use is incompatible. D. UNMAP is automated for VMFS6. Answer: D An administrator wants to restore the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 from backup. Where can this be accomplished? A. from the ESXi Host Client B. from the VMware vSphere ApplianceManagement Interface C. from within the VMware vSphere Web Client D. from the vCenter Server Appliance Installer Answer: B Which are two vCenter Server two-factor authentication methods? (Choose two.) A. RSA SecurID B. Smart Card C. SAML D. Symantec VIP Answer: A,B An ESXi host¡¯s VMCA-Signed certificate has expired. How can the certificate be renewed? A. In the vSphere Web Client, browse to the host in question. Click the Manage tab and select settings. Select System and click Certificate, then click the Renew button. B. In the vSphere Web Client, browse to the host in question.Click the Manage tab and select settings. Select System and click Certificate, then click the Refresh CA Certificates button. C. Run the command /sbin/generate-certificates on the affected host. D. Disconnect the host from vCenter Server and reconnect it. Answer: B An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine with 32GB of memory. The operation fails with the following error: Could not power on VM : No space left on device Checking the space on the virtual machine¡¯s datastore, there is 30GB free. Which action would allow the VM to power on? A. Set a 2GB memory reservation on the VM. B. Mount the virtual disk from the affected VM on to another virtual machine and free up space from within the OS. C. Enable vSphere HD admission control on the cluster in which the VM resides. D. Set a 2GB memory limit on the VM. Answer: B
Learn all the 2V0-622D questions and answers of Killtest VMware 2V0-622D Practice Exam, then pass your 2V0-622D VMware Certified Professional 6.5 – Data Center Virtualization Delta Exam. Now notice here Killtest VMware 2V0-622D Practice Exam come with 70 real exam questions and answers for the preparation work. Killtest VMware 2V0-622D Practice Exam are not just exam questions, they are your access to high technical expertise and accelerated learning capacity. Killtest provide you with a definite and the exceptional solutions. We are offering you detailed VMware 2V0-622D VCP6.5-DCV certification exam. Our experts come from different parts of the industry and are most experienced and qualified to have the opportunity to write the VMware 2V0-622D Practice Exam for you. Addtional, we provide the latest updated VMware 2V0-622D questions and answers for your 2V0-622D exam. As there is any change to the exam, Killtest is the first one to respond to these changes. We assure you that you will succeed in your professional tests with the Killtest preparation VMware 2V0-622D VCP6.5-DCV exam.