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[2018] McAfee MA0-103 DLPE Practice Questions | Killtest

McAfee is the leading provider of vendor-neutral IT certifications worldwide, and employers depend on McAfee MA0-103 test to make hiring decisions. McAfee test no longer hard once you are here at Killtest. Be the one to be among those who pass their McAfee Product Specialist MA0-103 test at Killtest. The McAfee MA0-103 Exam prepares you for the questions with a foundational knowledge of the fundamentals of McAfee technology. Using these core principles, you can predict answers to McAfee practice questions with ease. The MA0-103 exam comes with a discount offer with Killtest. Killtest offers you a comprehensive certification test solution to help you become McAfee Product Specialist certified professional. McAfee MA0-103 DLPE Practice Questions come with study guide, sample questions and answers, pdf exam, test questions and answers lab that give you the experience of actual McAfee Certification MA0-103 exam.

McAfee Certified Product Specialist - DLPE | McAfee MA0-103 Exam | Killtest MA0-103 Practice Test

How does McAfee DLPe classify sensitive content? A. Using DLP monitor reaction in rules B. Using Tags and Content categories C. Using File Extensions D. Using Information Protection Answer: B Which of the following is used to control the ability to modify policies in DLPe for non ePO Global Admins? A. An Active Directory GPO B. An ePO Permission Set C. Restricted access to the Evidence Share D. Restricted access to the Whitelist Share Answer: B How can incident data be exported? A. Select specific events in OLP manager to export incident data B. Run reports or queries to generate specific report and export incident data C. Use database administration to export incident data D. Run incident task manager to export incident data Answer: B How can OLP be used to prohibit users from sending confidential files to partners? A. Create a partner list definition and add to applicable protection rules B. Create a partner list and apply to device control C. Use protection rules to stop copying of confidential files D. Prevent confidential files from being used Answer: A What is the hierarchy used to resolve potential conflicts between application strategies? A. Archiver> Trusted> Editor> Explorer (Explorer has the lowest ranking) B. Archiver> Trusted> Explorer> Editor (Editor has the lowest ranking) C. Archiver> Explorer> Editor> Trusted (Trusted has the lowest ranking) D. Archiver> Editor> Explorer> Trusted "Trusted has the lowest ranking) Answer: B

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