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Huawei HCNA-Storage-BSSN Certification H13-612-ENU Exam Questions and Answers
Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. A RAID group is like a physical volume that consists of multiple disks. B. One logical volume can be created on a physical volume. C. Multiple logical volumes can be created on a physical volume. D. A LUN can reside on multiple RAID groups. Answer: D In HUAWEI OceanStor V3, the data coffer functionality is optional because the Write back cache is mirrored and there is a backup battery in each controller. A. TRUE B. FALSE Answer: B Which of the following statements about the expansion modules in a controller or a disk enclosure of a storage device are correct? (Multiple Choice) A. The expansion modules in a disk enclosure enable communication between the disk enclosure and a controller enclosure or another disk enclosure. B. The disk expansion modules in a controller include a PRI expansion module and an EXP expansion module. C. Expansion port PRI must connect to expansion port EXP. D. Huawei storage devices typically use Fibre Channel ports as expansion ports. Answer: AC
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