MCSA: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Exam MB2-715 Questions | Killtest
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB2-715 Practice Exam
You are the system administrator at your organization. You need to synchronize all customization and users from your production instance to your training instance. What should you perform to accomplish this goal? A. a full copy B. a clone C. a switch D. a minimal copy Answer: A You are the system administrator at your organization. You need to synchronize all customization and users from your production instance to your training instance. What should you perform to accomplish this goal? A. a full copy B. a clone C. a switch D. a minimal copy Answer: A You are in the initial planning phase of a Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation. The customer wants to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. The customer is about to make a decision on whether Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Dynamics 365 should be on-premises, online, or a hybrid. You need to advise the customer on how their decision affects their ability to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, What should you tell them? A. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook is online only, so both Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Dynamics 365 must be online. B. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook requires Microsoft Exchange to be online, but Microsoft Dynamics 365 can be on-premises. C. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook requires Microsoft Dynamics 365 to be online, but Microsoft Exchange can be on-premises. D. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook supports both online-to-online, on-premises to on-premises, and hybrid environments. Answer: A You are the system administrator at your organization. You need to quickly synchronize all customizations from your synchronizing the data. What should you perform to accomplish this goal? A. a clone B. a switch C. a full copy D. a minimal copy Answer: D You are a system administrator at Contoso. Inc. You need to ensure that only system administrators and system customizers What is likely the cause of this issue? A. Your instance is being upgraded. B.Your storage limit was reached. C. Your instance is in Administration mode. D. Your instance has been reset Answer: A
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