[2018] IBM DB2 Exam C2090-320 Test Questions | Killtest
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IBM DB2 C2090-320 Test Questions
Your current authorization ID is DBA. Only one of your secondary authorization IDs, DB2, has the privilege to create an index DB2.AAA on a table. The appropriate SQL statement starts with “CREATE INDEX AAA ON…”. Which of the following statements must precede the CREATE statement so that you can create the index? A. SET CURRENT SQLID = ‘DB2’; B. SET CURRENT RULES = ‘DB2’; C. No preceding statement is needed D. SET CURRENT SCHEMA = ‘DB2’; Answer: A
The metadata for which of the following objects is NOT stored in the DB2 catalog table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES? A. A view B. A temporal table C. A created global temporary table D. A declared global temporary table Answer: B
In a unique referential constraint, which type of key does a foreign key reference? A. Child key B. Collation key C. Parent key D. Secondary key Answer: C
The following definition for COL1 is given by this statement: CREATE TABLE… (COL1 BINARY (05)) Which of the following statements will successfully insert data into the table? A. INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(HEX(‘12345’)); B. INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(BLOB(‘12345’)); C. INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(CHAR(‘12345’)); D. INSERT INTO… (COL1) VALUES(BINARY(‘123456’)); Answer: C
If a scrollable cursor is INSENSITIVE, which of the following applies? A. The cursor is read only B. WITH ROWSET POSITIONING is not allowed C. The select-statement must not contain an SQL data change statement D. The cursor has sensitivity to changes that are made to the database after the result table is materialized Answer: A Guarantee your C2090-320 exam success with IBM DB2 Exam C2090-320 Test Questions. Killtest IBM DB2 Exam C2090-320 Test Questions are prepared by panel of Top Industry Professionals. You can also download DB2 11 Fundamentals for z/OS exam C2090-320 practice exam demo test software for C2090-320 updated questions answers before purchasing it. You have various options to get IBM C2090-320 practice exam in the formats given below. Killtest IBM DB2 Exam C2090-320 Test Questions give you an absolute understanding and C2090-320 Practive Exam choices take your degree to a new horizon. There are many different certification exams to choose from Killtest, besides the C2090-320 exam, there is also a wide range of C2090-320 DB2 11 Fundamentals for z/OS exam that you will find at Technical Certified. Killtest has a team of professionals that is dedicated to producing accurate and most updated IBM certification C2090-320 practice exam. We are confident that Killtest C2090-320 study materials are qualitative enough to make you satisfied with the product.