[May 2018] CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps | Killtest
CompTIA SK0-004 test along with Killtest SK0-004 real Q&As get you ready for taking the exam but it's the outclass Server+ SK0-004 test by Killtest that covers the fundamentals of the CompTIA Server+ exam course. Killtest CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps offer precise CompTIA Server+ exam real test. These Killtest CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps guarantee your success in SK0-004 CompTIA Server+ exam. Killtest CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps prepare you for Server+ SK0-004 exam. It prepares you for the kind of questions that you could expect with your final try. The Server+ SK0-004 frames the questions and sets the paper the way you can expect in the real certification exam. The CompTIA SK0-004 actual exam is a great tool for you to practice on before your final attempt at the Server+ certification. The kind of questions, the format of Q&A's, the time limit etc all relate to the final CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps. So you can prepare yourself for the final exam by understanding what level of knowledge is required.

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[May 2018] CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps | Killtest
A server technician is replacing a web server in an organization. The new server has two integrated NICs. Which of the following describes how the NICs should be configured for fault protection? A. The NICs should be configured separately with one MAC address. B. The NICs should be placed into a team with one MAC address. C. The NICs should be configured separately with two MAC addresses. D. The NICs should be placed into a team with two MAC addresses. Answer: B A server administrator is implementing disk redundancy in all database servers. Which of the following RAID configurations should the administrator use so that a MINIMUM number of disks are required? A. RAID 0 B. RAID 1 C. RAID 5 D. RAID 6 Answer: B A server administrator is configuring a new server for an organization. The server will function as a firewall and proxy server, as well as provide NAT services for other devices on the network. Which of the following BEST describes how the network hardware on the server should be configured? A. The server should have at least two NICs: one configured with an IP address on the inside network, and one with an IP address on the outside network. B. The server should have at least two NICs: each NIC should be configured with an IP address on the same network segment. C. The server requires only one NIC, as the NIC can be configured with two IP addresses: one for the inside network segment, and one for the outside network segment. D. The server requires at least three NICs: one configured with an IP address for the intranet clients, one with an IP address on the inside network, and one with an IP address on the outside network. Answer: A A certain rack mounted blade server chassis needs 3-phase power for operation. There is currently only single-phase power coming into the room. The administrator needs to: A. call an electrician to wire the single-phase power into 3-phase power. B. use a single-phase UPS to power the 3-phase server. C. call an electrician to see if 3-phase power can be brought into the room. D. use an adapter to configure the server to use single-phase power. Answer: C
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Try out Killtest CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps to get a feel for the types of questions on the Server+ exam. Please note that your performance here does not indicate how you will do on the real exam. To fully prepare for the Server+ SK0-004 exam, closely review the topic areas and objectives in Killtest SK0-004 practice exam. Over the previous few decades, the education of computer science has gained the attention of a great majority of people all around the world. There are new developments everyday in the field of Information Technology and it necessitate on the part of IT professionals that they should upgrade their knowledge regarding all innovations in their field. So in order to help the candidates pass the CompTIA SK0-004 exam, Killtest has the CompTIA Server+ certification SK0-004 dumps for the preparation. The truth is that we at Killtest SK0-004 exam are IT. Experts and are highly experienced in the field of exams braindumps and study notes as our team is continuously working for the more accomplished SK0-004 exam.