[2018 LPIC-2] 202-450 Linux Engineer 202 LPIC-2 202 Practice Exam | Killtest
202-450 Linux Engineer 202 LPIC-2 202 Practice Exam gives you the things you have to take Lpi 202-450 LPIC-2 Exam 202, Part 2 of 2, version 4.5 test. The 202-450 exam questions are explored plus created by Specialized Qualifications Experts who usually are continuously implementing community encounter to produce precise, plus rational. You might have concerns by diverse web-sites or guides, but sense is key. Killtest 202-450 Linux Engineer 202 LPIC-2 202 Practice Exam can assist you but not only move inside the try, but save your valuable time. Killtest is a business to assist you to pass Lpi qualifications. Killtest presents you with the most recent type from the LPIC-2 Exam 202, Part 2 of 2, version 4.5 202-450 test which means you understand you will always be up to par. Complete 202-450 Linux Engineer 202 LPIC-2 202 Practice Exam by employing Lpi 202-450 questions and answers. This Killtest Lpi pros in the on-line coaching staff have created the most effective content material available with very high positioned top quality in the Lpi queries and also LPIC-2 Exam 202, Part 2 of 2, version 4.5 202-450 queries.
[2018 LPIC-2] 202-450 Linux Engineer 202 LPIC-2 202 Practice Exam | Killtest
On a Linux router, packet forwarding for IPv4 has been enabled. After a reboot, the machine no longer forwards IP packets from other hosts. The command: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward temporarily resolves this issue. Which one of the following options is the best way to ensure this setting is saved across system restarts? A. Add echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to the root user login script B. Add echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to any user login script C. In /etc/sysct1.conf change net.ipv4.ip_forward to 1 D. In /etc/rc.local add net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 E. In /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config add ipv4.ip_forward = 1 Answer: C
What information can be found in the file specified by the status parameter in an OpenVPN server configuration file? (Choose two.) A. Errors and warnings generated by the openvpn daemon B. Routing information C. Statistical information regarding the currently running openvpn daemon D. A list of currently connected clients E. A history of all clients who have connected at some point Answer: B,D
Which of the following lines in the sshd configuration file should, if present, be changed in order to increase the security of the server? (Choose two.) A. Protocol 2, 1 B. PermitEmptyPasswords no C. Port 22 D. PermitRootLogin yes E. IgnoreRhosts yes Answer: A,D
Which of the following nmap parameters scans a target for open TCP ports? (Choose two.) A. -sO B. -sZ C. -sT D. -sU E. -sS Answer: C,E
What option in the client configuration file would tell OpenVPN to use a dynamic source port when making a connection to a peer? A. src-port B. remote C. source-port D. nobind E. dynamic-bind Answer: D
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